Project Details

Implementation of Site Development Services for the Rohingya Refugees Living in Camp

Funding Agency :
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Proejct Period :
January 2024 - July 2024
Location :
Camp-22, 24 and 25 under Teknaf in Cox’s Bazar district.
Project Objective & Goal :

The Rohingya crisis is a prolonged issue which Bangladesh has been facing since few decades. The massive influx happened in August 2017, that has accelerated several multifaceted problems in the congested camps at Cox's Bazar. Furthermore, the vulnerability of the congested and overpopulated camp settlements, combined with environmental hazards including flood, landslides, fire hazards and extreme weather events, require continual site development and improvement works. In addressing the challenges, the overall objective of the proposed project is to ensure proper access to the services, reduce disaster risks and environmental restoration of camp 22, 24, 25 in Teknaf under Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh.

NGO Forum will ensure proper access to the services as per the IOM and sector standard through maintenance and repair of existing infrastructures, as well as new construction of critical linkage to the network. Assessment and mitigation of disaster risks will be the top priority of the operation. NGO Forum will promote community led approach in site development activities to develop ownership among the community.

The team will ensure the coordination as Site Development (SD) focal and will fulfill adequate coordination with the Site Management Support (SMS), Camp In-Charge (CiC) and Site Development stakeholders. It will ensure the appropriateness of interventions, minimum technical standards, and the sustainability of the works implementation.

NGO Forum will also ensure safe, fair, and inclusive engagement of communities in Site Development activities and ensure the community´s satisfaction and acceptance of SD interventions by engaging the Cash for Work (CfW) and through community led projects. includes will adopt different processes to identify the requirements and needs which include the Common Feedback Platform (CFP) and Zite Manager involving SMS, CiCs and the community

Target people:
Total: 59,562 individuals and 11,968 households (Camp 22: Individual: 23,555 HH-4531, Camp 24: Individual: 26,910 HH-5602, Camp 25: Individual: 9097, HH-1845).

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Focal Person

    Engr. Md. Toriqul Islam

    Head of Programme Operation

    NGO Forum for Public Health


Project Coordinator

    A.B.M Moinul Hassan

    Project Coordinator

    +8801718 975 141, +880 1881 401 431