Proejct Period :
July 2024 to 30 June 2025
Location :
Selected Host Community of Whykong Union and Hnila Union, Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar District. {Whykong (Ward-3,5), Hnila (Ward 7,8)
Objective & Goal :
Contribute to international efforts to meet humanitarian and protection needs and increase self-reliance and resilience building of Rohingya and host populations in Bangladesh.
Target population: 28,084
- Project staff & CBVs received capacity development training on social architecture
- Female WASH Block development and construed following social architect approach
- Latrine identified and upgradation of the sanitation facilities as per the needs based on current latrine conditions
- Awareness and Influencing meeting conducted with UP, Market/Bazar Committee for improving SWM system at Market/Bazar
- Clean Campaign & mass awareness conducted
- Borehole with hand pump installed
- Existing water facilities maintained and operational
- Training for project staff and CBV on Hygiene promotion, community engagement and inclusive WASH (gender, persons with disability, etc.)
- awareness sessions on MHM, Community Engagement (CE) conducted
- Capacity building training of LGI and CBAG leaders organized
- MHM corner established at School
- Vending machine for MHM pads installed
- National and internationally declared day- World water day, toilet day, handwashing day, MHM day etc. celebrated
- Workshop on planning, roles & responsibilities of ward/union WatSan Committees, CBAG and stakeholders organized
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