Project Details

Regional Project South Asia: Integrated water management in urban areas as a core task of municipal services of general interest

Funding Agency :
Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA), Germany
Proejct Period :
September 2024 - December 2024
Location :
Haragachh Municipality, Rangpur and Parbatipur Municipality, Dinajpur districts
Project Objective & Goal :


Improved municipal WASH services, gradually integrating the critical themes of climate sensitivity and gender inclusivity, are provided to disadvantaged residents of small & medium towns in India, Nepal & Bangladesh.

Overall Goal / Development Goal

The project contributes to improvement in the living conditions residents of small and medium towns in South Asia through reduction in the health and environmental risks associated with inadequate municipal WASH service delivery. Additionally, it contributes to global efforts on climate change sensitivity and gender inclusivity. Improved municipal WASH services, gradually integrating the critical themes of climate sensitivity and gender inclusivity, are provided to disadvantaged residents of small & medium towns in India, Nepal & Bangladesh.

The approach adopted consists of 4 components:

a) REPLICATE – Existing proven small-town integrated city-scale/ decentralised solutions and instruments are replicated

b) INNOVATE - New small-town integrated city-scale/ decentralised solutions and instruments are demonstrated and tested

c) INTEGRATE - Gender inclusivity And Climate Sensitivity are gradually integrated in WASH services planning and delivery, as well as project objectives, results, and frameworks

d) DISSEMINATE - Small town development agenda and project promoted solutions, results etc. are discussed, disseminated, and gradually embedded in the provincial and national development agendas.

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Focal Person

    Engr. Md. Toriqul Islam

    Head of Programme Operation

    NGO Forum for Public Health
