Serial | Project Title | Funding Agency | More |
1 |
Accountability and Responsiveness in Informal Urban Settlements for Equity (ARISE) |
BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University |
2 |
Implementation of WASH Services for the Rohingya Refugees Living in Camp in Cox’s Bazar District |
International Organization for Migration (IOM) |
3 |
Provision of Life saving WASH services to the Rohingya refugee population in Ukhiya and Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar District, for CAMP-6 |
4 |
Lifesaving and transitional WASH support to Refugees and Host communities in Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh |
International Organization for Migration (IOM) |
5 |
Maintaining Access to Humanitarian Services for the Rohingyas in Bangladesh |
6 |
DFAT AHP Bangladesh Rohingya Response Phase III Inclusive Project |
7 |
Integrity Management for Resilient Water & Sanitation Sector in Bangladesh |
Water Integrity Network (WIN), Germany |
8 |
Arsenic Risk Reduction Project |
Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) |
9 |
Resilient, Inclusive & Innovative Cities in Bangladesh - Phase: II |
10 |
Jibon O Jibika (Life and Livelihood). |
Save the Children - USA |
11 |
DFAT AHP Bangladesh Rohingya Response Phase IV Inclusive Project (1st Year) |
12 |
Provision of life saving WASH Services to the Rohingya Refugee Population in Ukhiya Upazila, Cox’s Bazar district at Camp 6 |
13 |
Provision of life saving WASH Services to the Rohingya Refugee Population in Ukhiya Upazila, Cox’s Bazar district at Camp 7 |
14 |
Consultant for developing an overview of Bangladesh Economy and its Agri-food System and Estimating Emissions from Water Management |
International Water Management Institute (IWMI) |
15 |
Data Collection for an Agri-Food System Survey in North Bangladesh as a Part of Transforming Agri-Food Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA) |
International Water Management Institute (IWMI) |
16 |
Transforming Agri-Food Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA) WP3 |
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) |
17 |
Conduct data collection for an agri-food system survey in North Bangladesh |
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) |
18 |
Mobilizing private resources for public services: the transition to private water sources in rural Bangladesh |
International Growth Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK |
19 |
Provision of Life saving WASH services to the Rohingya refugee population in Ukhiya and Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar District, for CAMP-7 |
20 |
Does the provision of information on efficient waste management affect households' disposal behaviour |
International Growth Centre, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK. |
21 |
Provision of Life saving WASH services to the Rohingya refugee population in Ukhiya and Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar District, for CAMP-6 |
22 |
Provision of Life saving WASH services to the Rohingya refugee population in Ukhiya and Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar District, for CAMP-7 |
23 |
Provision of Life saving WASH services to the Rohingya refugee population in Ukhiya and Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar District, for CAMP-6 |
24 |
Groundwater Sustainability Studies in Bangladesh |
International Water Management Institute – IWMI |
25 |
Maintaining Access to WASH, Shelter, Energy, Self-Reliance, Protection Services for the Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh |
26 |
Women’s Protection Support for Rohingya Refugees and Host Communities in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh |
Association for Aid and Relief, Japan |
27 |
Strengthening Pro-Poor and Participatory local Governance in Rangpur City Corporation |
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office through Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) |
28 |
AusBangla Care for Dental Program(ABCD) |
Rotary Club of Dee Why Warringah, Australia, |
29 |
Provision of comprehensive WASH services for Rohingya refugees and the Host communities living in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh"(IOM WASH) Project |
30 |
Implementation of Community Approaches to Total Sanitation (CATS) in Bangladesh under GoB-UNICEF project (ASWA II) Lot-3 |
31 |
Implementation of Cox’s Bazar WASH Programme following Community Approaches to Total Sanitation (CATS) and Promotion of Water Safety Plans under GoB-UNICEF project Lot-4 (Asharayan Project) |
32 |
Implementation of Cox’s Bazar WASH Programme following Community Approaches to Total Sanitation (CATS) and Promotion of Water Safety Plans under GoB-UNICEF Project (Ukhiya Upazila) Lot-1 |
33 |
Emergency WASH relief for flood affected population in Teknaf |
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) |
34 |
Improved WASH Services to the Rohingya Refugees Population in Ukhiya Upazila, Cox's Bazar District. |
35 |
WASH and Protection Support Program for Rohingya Refugee Camps and Host Communities in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh |
Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR Japan) |
36 |
Maintaining Access to Safe Water and Sanitation for Rohingyas in Bangladesh |
37 |
Provision for Life Saving WASH Service to Vulnerable Communities at Cox's Bazar |
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) |
38 |
Provision for Life Saving WASH Service to Vulnerable Communities at Cox's Bazar |
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) |
39 |
Role of groundwater in agrarian change in West Bengal and Bangladesh: A comparative Analysis |
International Water Management Institute - IWMI |
40 |
Improved WASH services to the Myanmer Refuges Population in Ukhiya, Cox's Bazar District |
41 |
Life saving WASH services for the Amphan cyclone affected people of the selected sub-districts in Barguna and Patuakhali districts |
42 |
Reducing Public Health Risks through Promotion of Integrated WASH Services in Cox's Bazar District. |
43 |
Improved WASH services to the Host Community Population in Ukhiya, Cox's Bazar District |
44 |
Resilient, Inclusive & Innovative Cities in Bangladesh Project |
Australian Aid through OXFAM Bangladesh |
45 |
WASH in Health Care Facility-Advocacy Strategy |
IRC, Netherlands |
46 |
Information and public service provision: Experimental evidence from school WASH services in Bangladesh |
Water Integrity Network, Germany |
47 |
Improved WASH Services for the Rohingya Refugees and Host Communities in Cox''s Bazar |
48 |
Implementation of Integrity Management Project with CWASA |
Water Integrity Network (WIN) |
49 |
Improved WASH Services for the Rohingya Refugees and Host Communities in Cox's Bazar |
50 |
Improved WASH Services to the Rohingya Refugees and Host Communities in Cox's Bazar District |
Unicef-Bangladesh |
51 |
Sanitation and Cooking Facilities in Selected Social Infrastructures for Refugees Project |
HELVETAS Swiss Interoperation Bangladesh |
52 |
WASH and Protection Support Program for Rohingya Refugees and Host Communities in Cox's Bazar |
Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR Japan) |
53 |
Maintaining access to WASH in Nayapara and Kutupalong Refugee camps in Bangladesh |
54 |
Provision of life-saving WASH services to the Rohingya Refugees Population in Ukhiya Upazila, Cox's Bazar District |
55 |
Improved WASH services for Rohingya new arrivals and host communities in Ukhia and Teknaf Upazilas of Cox's Bazar district |
56 |
WASH in emergency response of cyclone MORA in Cox's Bazar |
57 |
Provision of Life-Saving WASH services to the Rohingya Refugees Population in Ukhia Upazilas, Cox's Bazar District |
58 |
Improving WASH Services for Rohingya new arrivals and Host Communities in Ukhia and Teknaf Upazilas of Cox's Bazar district |
59 |
Urban Resilience Bangladesh (URB) Project 2nd Phase |
60 |
UDAY-Be Sure You'r Drinking Safe Water |
Proportion Foundation |
61 |
Maintaining access to safe water and sanitation in Nayapara and Kutupalong Refugee camps in Bangladesh |
62 |
Improving Access to Health and WATSAN Services along with Community Awareness/Empowerment in Cox?s Bazar (Phase 2) |
63 |
WASH in Emergency Response of Cyclone of MORA in Cox's Bazar |
64 |
WASH in Emergency Response of Cyclone of ROANU in Bhola, Barguna, Cox's Bazar and Chittagong |
65 |
Improving WASH Services for Rohingya Host Communities in Ukhia and Teknaf Upazilas of Cox's Bazar district |
66 |
UN Joint Programme on Support for North West Bangladesh Floods (WASH, Food Security & Nutrition) |
67 |
Improved WASH Services in Selected Communities of Ukhia and Teknaf of Cox's Bazar district |
68 |
Maintaining Access to Safe Water and Sanitation in Nayapara and Kutupalong Refugee Camps in Bangladesh |
69 |
Technical Assistance to Scaling Up Microfinance Institutions Lending for Improved Rural Sanitation (MILIS) in Bangladesh |
World Bank |
70 |
Enhancing inclusive disaster resilience in Bangladesh (DIPECHO VIII) |
Oxfam GB |
71 |
Improving access to health and WATSAN services along with community awareness/empowerment in Cox's Bazar |
72 |
Community Contributions, Participatory Decision-Making and Local Public Goods: A Field Experiment in Bangladesh. |
Stock Holm Unisersity, Swedish Research Council |
73 |
Improving access to sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) Facilities for urban slum dwellers |
Oxfam |
74 |
Oxfam Humanitarian Capacity Building Project (OHCB) |
Oxfam |
75 |
AusBangla Care for Dental Program (ABCD) |
Rotary International, Australia |
76 |
ECHO Health Care Program (WASH Component) |
ECHO & Muslim Aid |
77 |
Sensitizing the Pro-poor Service Promotion Securing Rights and Governance |
78 |
Adaptation to Climate Change for Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Services and Community Resilience Building in Coastal Areas |
PKSF (Community Climate Change Project) |
79 |
Urban Resilient Bangladesh |
80 |
Emergency provision of continued Water Sanitation and Hygiene services for the Undocumented Myanmar Nationals |
International Organization for Migration |
81 |
Sensitizing the Pro-poor Service Promotion Securing Rights and Governance |
ManusherJonno Foundation |
82 |
Integrated humanitarian Assistance Programme for Vulnerable Groups |
ECHO & Muslim Aid UK |
83 |
Value at the end of the Sanitation Value Chain |
: IRC Netherland and BRAC through University of Leeds (UK) |
84 |
Building a Disaster Resilient Bangladesh (DIPECHO-VII) |
ECHO and Oxfam |
85 |
Community Mobilization and Development of Action Plan for Rural Non-Piped Water supply scheme and Community Awareness Building on Sanitation and Hygiene (BRWSSP) |
GoB-World Bank and DPHE |
86 |
NGO Forum Support to the WSUP 2013-15 Country Programme |
Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP), UK |
87 |
Enhancing Governance and Capacity of Service Providers and Civil Society in Water Supply and Sanitation Sector |
European Union |
88 |
Piloting of Data Collection of Hardware of Rural & Urban Water Supply facilities and Sanitation for National MIS (NaMIS) and Monitoring Performance of Rural Public Water Points |
89 |
Promotion of Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene in Hard-to-Reach Areas in Rural Bangladesh |
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) |
90 |
Developing Southern Civil Society Advocacy in Water and Sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Central America (GTF) |
Donor: Water-Aid DFID (Governance and Transparency Fund) |
91 |
Community-Managed Water & Sanitation Programme for Rural Poor of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CMWSP-CHT) by TIDES Foundation, BD |
EC-CAFOD Flora Family Foundation |
92 |
JOJ-Pilot Project (Char Fashion) |
Save The Children USA |
93 |
Early Recovery Activities for AILA Response |
94 |
Integrated Water and Sanitation Programme for Disadvantaged Off-shore Island People in the Coastal Belt (IWSP-TDH) |
TDH- Netherland |
95 |
Water supply support and capacity building of Union Parishad |
96 |
Emergency SIDR Response Activities on WASH (J-O-J Component) |
Save the Children -USA |
97 |
Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation Project (SASMIT) |
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) |
98 |
Early Recovery Activities on WASH |
99 |
Post Flood WatSan Rehabilitation Activities Phase II & III |
Save the Children-USA |
100 |
Community-Managed Water & Sanitation Programme for Rural Poor of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CMWSP-CHT) ~ EU |
Europian Commission |
101 |
Implementation of Arsenic-free Safe Water in Selected Villages of Jhikorgacha Upazila in Jessore, Bangladesh (IAFSW) |
Japan Embassy |
102 |
Emergency Flood Response |
Save the Childdren USA |
103 |
Emergency Support to SIDR Affected people on WASH |
Unicef-Bangladesh |
104 |
Emergency and Post Flood Water & Sanitation Activity |
MISEREOR- Germany |
105 |
Emergency Water & Sanitation Programme for Cyclone Hit affected Areas of 3upazilas of Bagerhat District |
MISEREOR- Germany |
106 |
Emergency SIDR Response Activities on WASH |
Save the Children-USA |
107 |
Emergency Post Flood Water & Sanitation |
108 |
Emergency Post Flood Response |
Save the Childdren USA |
109 |
Emergency Flood Response Activities |
Save the Childdren USA |
110 |
Human Resource Development for Sustainable WatSan Project |
MISEREOR- Germany |
111 |
Decentralization and Local Public Goods : How does allocation of Decision making authority affected provision ? A research project in Bangladesh. |
Columbia University |
112 |
Integrated Community Based Arsenic Mitigation Programme (ICBAMP both 2 Phase) |
European Commission. (75% contribution)Katholische Zentralstelle fur Entwicklungshilfe e.V (Misereor Contribution 25%) |
113 |
Fresh Water Action Network (FAN) Project |
114 |
Columbia University - Arsenic Mitigation Project |
Columbia University |
115 |
Pilot Project on Safe Water System (SWS): (A Household-based Water Treatment and Safe Storage in Urban High-risk Areas of Bangladesh) |
116 |
NGOs Civil Society Networking Project (NCSNP) |
117 |
Case Study on Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Service in Bangladesh. |
Streams of Knowledge Philippines |
118 |
Wastewater Agriculture and Sanitation for Poverty Alleviation in Asia (WASPA) Project. |
IWMI- Sri Lanka |
119 |
Bangladesh Environmental Technology Verification-Support to Arsenic Mitigation (BETV-SAM) |
OCETA(Ontario center for Environmental Technology Advancement) OCETA |
120 |
Deployment of Arsenic Removal Technology (DART) Project. |
121 |
Action Research on Health and Social Consequences of Groundwater Arsenic Poisoning in Bangladesh |
122 |
Sanitation, Hygiene Education & Water Supply in Bangladesh (SHEWB) |
123 |
Installation of Safe Water options |
CARE- Bangladesh |
124 |
Tornado-Sadullapur |
125 |
Flood Emergency Response Project |
126 |
Association Between Chronic Arsenic Exposure and Nutritional Status Among the Women of Child Bearing Age: A Case Control Study |
IAEA-Austria |
127 |
Resource Centre Development Programme- RCD |
IRC -Netherlands |
128 |
NGOs Arsenic Information & Support Unit (NAISU) |
WaterAID Bangladesh |
129 |
Emergency Water Sanitation programme for Flood victims |
130 |
The Household Food Security Programme. Livelihood Project. (Jibon-O-Jibika) |
Donor: Save the Children-USA |
131 |
Community-Managed Water and Sanitation Programme in Rural Poor Communities of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CMWSP) CAFOD support |
132 |
Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health (ASEH) ? Urban Project |
Donor: Water-Aid |
133 |
Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health (ASEH) ? Rural Project |
Donor: Water-Aid |
134 |
Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health in Urban Areas of Chittagong City (EEHCO) |
Donor: Water-Aid |
135 |
Emergency Post Flood Water activities |
136 |
Emergency Post Flood Water and Sanitation response Project-2004 |
137 |
Relief and Rehabilitation for Flood Victims |
MISEREOR- Germany |
138 |
Post-Flood Rehabilitation Project |
CARE- Bangladesh |
139 |
Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health in Rural Areas (EEHCO) |
Donor: Water-Aid |
140 |
Action Research on Alternative Strategies of Environmental Sanitation and Waste Management for Improved Health and Socio-economic Development in Peri-urban Coastal Communities of South Asia |
IRC the Netherlands? |
141 |
Rainwater for the School Children (RWSC) in 15 Arsenic Affected Upazilas |
142 |
School Health & Nutrition (SHN) |
Save the Childdren USA |
143 |
Action Research on Micro-Credit Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Services |
Unit for Po;icy Implementation (UPI) |
144 |
Action Research on Improved Participatory Approach in Hygiene & Sanitation Promotion |
145 |
Action Research on Community Based Safe Water Supply & Arsenic Mitigation Project |
146 |
Community Based Safe Water Supply & Arsenic Mitigation Project |
147 |
Sensitization against Arsenic and Training Help Initiative |
Save The Children USA |
148 |
Risk and Benefits of Arsenic Mitigation Programs in |
149 |
Flood Rehabilitation Programme 2000-2001 |
150 |
NGO Forum Component under the DANIDA SPS (NFC) |
151 |
Rain Water Harvesting System?An Action Research Project |
152 |
Post-Flood Water and Sanitation Rehabilitation Programme |
153 |
Rehabilitation Programme on Water and Sanitation for the Cyclone Hit People of the Coastal Areas |
MISEREOR-Germany |
154 |
Integrated Water and Sanitation Programme for the Coastal Region |
155 |
Social Mobilization for Sanitation Project |
156 |
Water and Environmental Sanittion Programme for Rohingya Refugees |
157 |
Rehabilitation Programme on Water and Sanitation for the Cyclone Hit Peoples of the Coastal Areas |
158 |
Water and Sanitation Programme for Rohinghya Refugees |
159 |
Rehabilitation Programme on Water and Sanitation for the Cyclone Hit People of the Coastal Areas |
160 |
Integrated Water and Sanitation Programme through NGOs |
161 |
Rehabilitation Programme on Water and Sanitation for the Cyclone Hit Peoples of the Coastal Areas |
162 |
Dewatering of the Salinated and Polluted Ponds in the Coastal Areas |
Australian High Commission |
163 |
Alternative Low-cost Latrine to Expedite the Water and Sanitation Equation through NGOs |
164 |
Drinking Water Supply and Latrine Building Programme after Cyclone Catastrophe in Bangladesh |
165 |
Integrated Water and Sanitation Programme through NGOs |
166 |
Cyclone & Flood 1991 |
167 |
Rehabilitation Programme of Water and Sanitation Support of NGO (RWSS) |
MISEREOR-Germany |
168 |
Community Management of Water Supply and Sanitation Services |
UNDP & WIF ( World-view International) |